Friday, July 18, 2008

hey guys,,,
since none of d members is postin nethn,,,,entry d guest starrer!!!!!!!!!!!
,,,so its ma turn 2 introduce you 2 ma frens,,,,i mean,,,othr thn dese 2 members!!!!!!!!
in frst pic,,d 1 on d stairs....
well d 1 sittin on d lowest step of d stairs is anuradha,,or anu as v call hr,,,also she n me r infomously known as size minus in d colg!!!!!!!
next 1,, is sanchika,,,n ths is hr jus outta gym luk!!!!!!!
now cumes pragati,,,d babe of d colg,,,,high on popularity,,,bt low on attendence!!!!!!
den ders sum1 u mite recogniz,,,yes ppl its me,,,!!!!!!!
in d nxt pic,,
pic is kinda blurred bt newaz,,
d tallest 1 is navika,,,mine n prerna's common fren,,,she again is d hootttest property in clog!!!!!
n den ders tanupriya,,,or bitiya,,,as i call hr,,,,sweetest gal evr,,,also d most studious of us ol..
so dis is ma gang in colg,,hope u lik thm!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

lyf rocks!!!!! said...

hmmmmmmmmm..... friends... n' GIRLssssss....well thts nice... :)
looking gud in next one(give tht 1 to ur smbdy :))...okkkaaayy??